How to start website developing 

Learn HTML (Hypertext Markup Language):
 HTML is the basis of web development and is used to design web pages.  You need to learn how to use tags and elements to structure a web page.

 Learn CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):
 With the help of CSS, you can improve the appearance of a web page.  It lets you control fonts, colors, margins, padding, and other design properties.

 Learn JavaScript:
 JavaScript is used to add dynamic and interactive elements to a web page.  You can use it to create forms, buttons, menus, and other web components.

 Use web development tools:
 For web development, use the web browser's Inspect and Development tools to check your code and look for errors.

 Learn Web Hosting and Servers:
 You need a hosting service to make your website visible in the online world.  You can take the help of a hosting company to host your website.

 Work on web development projects:
 Work on web development projects to put the techniques you've learned into practice.  Doing so will improve your experience and enhance your skills.

 Connect with the web developer community:
 Join the web developer community and share experiences and information.  It will also keep you up to date with new trends and tools.

 This is a short month to start web development, and you should gain more experience according to your strengths and interests.

 Study HTML:

 Studying HTML is the first step in learning.  You are aware of the basic concepts, tags, and elements of HTML on the web.

 Use online content:
 You can find HTML information from many online content, videos, and tutorials.  Web development websites like Khan Academy, Mozilla Developer Network, 3Schools, and Udemy have HTML courses that can help you.

 Use an HTML editor:
 Use a montage editor to write the HTML.  You can use Notepad, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or any number of editors on a computer.

 Keep learning and practice:
 Process is very important for learning HTML.  Write tags, experiment, and create web pages.

 Collect tags and element information:
 Collect information about specific HTML tags and elements, such as:

 <h1> to <h 6> for headings in the browser
 <p> for paragraphs
 <a> for hyperlinks
 <im g> to display images
 <UL> and <like> for sublists
 Creating HTML Web Pages:
 Create your own web pages using HTML information.  Start with simple web pages in the beginning and then move on quickly.

 Practice and work projects:
 Work and practice on different projects to strengthen HTML skills.

 Learning HTML takes time, but with practice you can become proficient at it.  With discipline, practice, and systematic learning, you can master HTML.Integrated Development Environments (IDEs):

 Visual Studio Code: This is a free and popular IDE that is useful for web development.  It can extend HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with the help of specific extensions.
 Sublime Text: Another popular and native editor used for web development.
 Atom: Free and simple editor with the best extensions available for web development.
 Version Control Systems (VCS):

 Git: It allows you to keep code changes organized and work with a team.  Used with web services such as GitHub, Git Lab, and Bit bucket.
 Package Managers:

  (Node Package Manager):  is used to install JavaScript packages in web development projects.
 Yarn: Another JavaScript package manager that works like pm.

 Browser Developer Tools:

 Web browsers' inspect and development tools, such as Google Chrome Dev Tools, Mozilla Firefox Developer Tools, and Microsoft Edge Dev Tools, are used for debugging and analyzing websites.
 Code Editors for Specific Languages:

 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can also be written in web development using specialized editors such as Adobe Dreamweaver (WYSIWYG editor).
 Task Runners and Build Tools:

 Task runners and build tools like Grunt, Gulp, and Web pack are used in web development to organize and optimize code.
 By using web development tools you can better manage code, analyze, and develop websites.  They improve your web development process and keep the work easily organized.

 Definition of Web Hosting:

 Understand the concept of web hosting.  Web hosting is a service through which you make your website available on the Internet so that other people can view it.

 Choose a web hosting company:
 There are many web hosting companies in the current market.  Choose a good web hosting company that meets your needs.  After approval, your website is hosted on their servers.

 Choose a nickname:
 A domain name is a unique address to your website that people use to reach your website.  Choose a domain name and organize with a web hosting company.

 Upload website files:
 You can upload your website files to their server using the web hosting service's control panel.

 Configure DNS (Domain Name System):
 Configure DNS to manage your domain name from the web hosting service.  It manages your website's domain name and hosting server so that people can reach your website.

 Website Monitoring:
 Monitor your website so you know if your site is working properly for friends and users.

 Secure your website by using the web hosting company's security features so that no one on the Internet can try to hack your site.

 Web hosting is easy to learn, and you can use it to showcase your website to the online world.  You can also get help from your web hosting company's support when you face any problem.