The complete way to earn money from Amazon.

Amazon :

Your "Amazon" is an online marketplace where you can buy a wide variety of products and products, such as books, electronics, clothing, groceries, and more.  In addition, Amazon also offers web services, devices, and paper books for books.  Amazon provides a convenient online shopping experience and its services are available worldwide.

What is available on it? 

There are thousands of products available on it.  These product categories include computers, electronics, books, fashion, grocery, art and craft, health and beauty, automotive, home and kitchen, and more.

These are examples of some of the main categories, but there are many other categories of products available on Amazon such as healthcare, cribs and toiletries, baby items, and more.  You can search for your favorite categories of products by visiting the Amazon website or app

How this company works

Website and Application: Amazon facilitates product listing and purchase through its website and mobile application.  The buyer selects his favorite products and adds them to his cart.

Order Processing: When a buyer completes an order, Amazon begins processing the order.  This includes their order packing, packaging, and order preparation.

Home Delivery: Amazon promises that their goods will be delivered to the buyer's home.  Their teams and logistics network move products seamlessly.

Customer Service: Amazon also places great importance on customer service.  They respond to customer queries and complaints and work towards service improvement.

Web Hosting and Server Management: Amazon also provides computing and hosting services to maintain its website and applications so that they are always available.

Through this method, Amazon provides its services worldwide and delivers its favorite products to millions of buyers.

How to sell stuff on it:

 You can use the following methods to sell your products on Amazon:

Amazon Seller Account: You must first register a seller account on Amazon.  For this, you can create an account by visiting the "Seller Center" on the Amazon website.

Add Listings and Items: In your seller account you can add your product listings.  You must provide their information, pictures, price, and other information.

Processing of orders: When a buyer buys your product, you have to process their order.  Amazon collects the money for the order and credits it to your account.

Average Delivery Services: Amazon provides order processing, packing, and home delivery services.

Customer Service and Feedback: You have to serve your buyers and answer their questions and complaints.

Receive Money: When the buyer completes their product and the product is securely transferred, you can receive your earnings.

You can earn money by selling your products on Amazon, but you must follow Amazon's seller policies and rules and use Amazon's guides to build a selling business.

How to make money on Amazon:

Earning from selling products: You can sell your products by listing them on Amazon.  When your goods are sold for a buyer, you earn from it.

Arbitrage: You can buy cheap products and sell the most expensive ones by analyzing the price difference of products on Amazon.

Seller Control Panel (Seller Central): You can monitor your earnings through your Seller Control Panel.

Amazon Commission: You have to pay Amazon commission which is deducted from the sale of your products.

Fulfillment by Amazon - FBA: If you sell your products by placing them in one of Amazon's designated warehouses, Amazon is responsible for their processing and distribution.

Offline Advertisement: You can advertise your product offline so that more people see and buy your product.

Customer Engagement: You have to serve your customers so that they have a good experience with you and buy your products again.

Learning these skills and putting in the groundwork to grow your business is essential to making money on Amazon.  Before working on Amazon, read Amazon's seller policies to protect your business.

How to create an account in Pakistan :

Here's how you can create an Amazon seller account:

Go to Amazon's website: Go to Amazon's website ( and go to "Seller Center".

Create a Seller Account: After visiting the Seller Center, check the options for "Seller Account Creation" or "Become a Seller" and create your seller account.

Provide Information: Provide your business information, bank information, and other information when you create a seller account.

Select Pakistan: Select Pakistan in the "Country" box when you create a seller account.

List Products: After creating a seller account, you can list your products and start selling on Amazon.

Please keep in mind the latest information and policies of Amazon as Amazon's terms and conditions change over time and Amazon's presence in Pakistan may also indicate changes.

 How much can be earned from it:

How you earn varies:

Commissions and Fees: Your earnings depend on the Amazon commissions and commission fees that are deducted from the sales of your products.  The commission rate depends on the nature of the product and also affects the price of your product.

Marketing and Professional Experience: How you market your products and what marketing strategy you use also has an impact.

Product Quantity and Price: The quantity and price of your products also affect your earnings.

Product Quality: Product quality is also important as better quality products sell more and are recognized more.

You can optimize your products to increase your earnings as well as take advantage of Amazon's built-in merchant settings such as the Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) service in which your products are advertised and sold.  Processing and distribution is under the responsibility of Amazon.

The amount of money you actually earn depends on the type of product you sell, the price, and the amount of products you sell in the market, so it is possible that the commission rate and fees will also change.

Recipe for Labeling on Amazon:

 Order Confirmation: Log in to your Amazon seller account and confirm the order you wish to label.

Preparation of Labels: For Amazon labeling you have to prepare labels.  You can use your own or third party manufacturer's labels.

Click on Order: Go to the order page and find the option of "Print Packing Slip" or "Print Label".

Print Labels: Print your label and stick it directly on the packing box.

Packing: Pack the items securely and stick the label on the box.

Order Shipment: You ship your order and confirm it.

 This way, you can label on Amazon and deliver your products to customers.

 Note that Amazon's labeling policy may change, so consult Amazon's website or support center for the latest details.