Make money with is an online platform that connects freelancers and enterprise companies together. It provides professional services that match high-skill freelancers to companies' projects. With, companies can quickly find experienced freelancers for professional work.

How does it work? provides a variety of professional services that are useful in almost every field of technology and computer science. It includes web development, mobile application development, data analytics, machine learning, graphics design, digital marketing, and many other areas that help companies develop expertise. specialty is that they select freelancers that match their standards and Jupiter's search communication, giving them the possibility to provide good-quality services. 

How to create an account on it 

Creating an account on itself varies according to the company's security policies and the right procedure for you, so here are some general steps that can help you create an account:

Visit the website: Visit the website (

Click "Join the Top 3%": On the home page of the website, look for "Join the Top 3%" or a similar button or link and click on it.

Provide your details: To create an account, you need to provide your profile details, such as your name, email address, and other necessary information.

Provide details about your qualifications: To help assess your strengths and skills, you need to provide details of your educational and business experience.

Verify Account: You are prompted to verify your email address so that your account balance can be checked.

Complete your profile. You need to complete your profile and fill it out in the best possible way to showcase your skills and expertise.

Verified: Your profile can be verified by, and then you can get projects.

Please note that terms and processes change from time to time, so please visit website to keep the above information up-to-date and follow the instructions there. File an account correction case on it.

The account verification process on may vary and depend on the website's settings. Here are some general procedures that can help you verify your account:

Log in to the website. Log in to your account on

Go to the profile page. Go to your profile menu and look for "Verify Profile" or a similar option.

Assess the verification process: The verification process may require your profile to be verified as a valid identity and some additional details.

Provide a Validation Document: If a Validation Document is required for verification, you need to upload it, such as an ID card, passport, bank statement, or other valid document.

Wait for verification. can verify your document by looking at it.

Account Verification Successful: If your document is verified, your account will be verified, and you can use it for projects.

Details of verification process are available on their website, so following the instructions there will help you best. Can you earn money from it? is a professional freelancing platform where you can earn money using your expertise. You can earn on by working on various projects and providing specialized services for companies.

On the website, you are listed for various projects, and you can choose projects according to your skills and specialization. When you get a project completed, you are paid a corresponding support fee that depends on your expertise and the complexity of the project.

The amount of money earned depends on the expertise of your work and the number of different projects. Basically, while working on you earn according to your skills and time.

How much is this tax?

I cannot provide financial advice from professional sources or based on legal experience, and I am not responsible for knowing the specifics of any country's financial laws and regulations.

The amount of P-tax varies according to different countries and conditions. It is best to contact your country's financial institution or authority or seek advice from a financial expert to provide you with accurate information about your own financial situation.

The amount of P-tax usually varies according to your import, financial situation, and different tax laws. You can understand your financial obligations with the help of your local government website or a financial advisor. 

Will it be available on the Play Store?

I'm sorry, but is a freelancing platform, and its job is to match expertise between freelancers and companies, not to be a mobile app or an inspiration on the Play Store. is usually used by computer and freelancing websites, which require you to register on their website.

It can be traded.

Yes, trading opportunities on are possible if you are a professional service provider or have employees with professional skills. can be used to find good freelancers for companies that work on various projects to achieve commercial goals.

With, you can use your company to find and hire different workers who have different specializations and skills. Through this, you can increase the diversity and competence of the company, and you can choose good experts to fulfill the company's projects with opportunistic experts.

While using for business, you have to plan properly to take advantage of their opportunities and choose good freelancers who can meet your business needs.

 How much is the rate of getting work?

Job placement rates on vary and depend on your skills, specializations, and experience. Some people can get the job done quickly, while others have to wait.

To get a job on, you have to search for a company of your choice or apply for current projects by registering your profile on the website.

According to your skills and experience, you get suitable projects, but even that depends on the specific requirements of the companies and the rate of business. Thus, turnover rates vary.

It is helpful to make your profile complete and credible, highlight appropriate specializations, and search the business rates of selected companies to increase your chances of getting a job on 

Tell me how to run it.

Follow these steps to work on

Registration: Visit the website ( and look for the "Join the Top 3%" or similar button or link and click on it.

Profile Customization: You have to customize your profile based on the details of your education, experience, and skills.

Profile Verification: You have to verify your profile, which is done with the help of your email address.

Search for projects: Go to the website dashboard, and you will see a list of existing projects. You choose projects according to your skills and experience.

Send a Proposal: After selecting the project, you have to send a proposal detailing your knowledge and expertise so that the company can get an idea of your expertise.

Get approved: If your proposal is selected, you are approved and allowed to work on the project after the business specification.

When working through you need to update your profile, search for companies, and send proposals for projects. You can then earn money by doing jobs that suit your skills and job specificity.

 How to send a proposal.

To send a proposal to, do the following:

Project Search: Log in to the website and go to the dashboard. There, you will find a list of current projects.

Select Project: You should select the project according to your skills and experience. Go through the details of the project so that you know what the company's requirements are and how much your commitment will be.

Prepare the proposal: After selecting the project, you have to prepare the proposal. In the proposal, you should provide details of your expertise, experience, and work experience. You have to explain how you will complete the project and how you will support the company.

Submit Proposal: After generating the proposal, you get the option to submit the proposal on the website. You have to send the proposal along with the selected project details.

Get certified: If the company selects your proposal, you get certified and are allowed to work as per the project specifications.

Keep in mind that when submitting a proposal to, you need to provide an overview of your expertise and experience to allow the company to assess your qualifications. This enhances the quality of your proposal and can be tailored to the needs of the company you choose. 

What are its conditions?

Following are some important conditions while working on

Company Education and Experience: searches for specialized workers for companies, so they select you by looking at your education and experience details. Projects are selected according to your education and experience.

Profile Information: You must keep your profile information accurate and reliable. Your skills, experience, and work information are properly reviewed to help companies gauge your expertise.

Credential Verification: After the proposal is selected, you need to verify your educational credentials and experience. This verifies the authenticity of your information.

Ability to send a proposal: You need to convey your expertise and experience while sending the proposal so that the company can assess your support ability.

Support Fee: Depending on your expertise and the complexity of the project, you get a support fee, which varies according to the details of the project.

Arrangements: provides arrangements between companies and freelancers to ensure that project details, policies, and support fee information are accurate.

These terms may change or become more detailed, so it is best to visit the website for the latest and most detailed information.